Timing: In real practice, using tonal sounds (as one would encounter on-the-air), the "DAH" is ideally three times the duration of the "dit". The spacing between dits and DAHS (within a single character) is equal in duration to a silent "dit". The spacing between characters is equal to the duration of a silent "DAH". And the standard spacing between words is equal to the duration of a silent character "A" (i.e., dit-DAH).
Speed: In words-per-minute (wpm), speed is taken to mean the number of times the word "PARIS", using standard timing as explained above, will exactly fit into one minute. I recommend one have the ability to copy (and send) with 90% accuracy at 10 wpm before attempting to communicate "on-the-air".
Sending: It is a common misconception that if one learns to RECEIVE morse code, sending skills will come automatically. This misconception can lead to a disastrous first experience on-the-air. Sending involves mechanical skills, the timing for which can only be learned by actual practice. The classic choice for practicing sending is a hand key and code practice oscillator. There are other choices available (keyers with dual and singlelever paddles, mechanical "bugs", and keyboards or computers). The choice is yours, but I highly recommend resisting the temptation to use keyboards/PC's, unless you have a physical disability that necessitates it, because you'll be missing out on half of the CW experience.
A --------------DAH
B --------------DAH-di-di-dit
C --------------DAH-di-DAH-dit
D --------------DAH-di-dit
E --------------dit
F --------------di-di-DAH-dit
G --------------DAH-DAH-dit
H --------------di-di-di-dit
I -------------- di- dit
J --------------di-DAH-DAH-DAH
K --------------DAH-di-DAH
L --------------di-DAH-di-dit
M --------------DAH-DAH
N --------------dit
O -------------DAH-DAH-DAH
P --------------di-DAH-DAH-dit
Q --------------DAH-DAH-di-DAH
1 ------------di-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH
2 ------------ di-di-DAH-DAH-DAH
3 ------------di-di-di-DAH-DAH
4 ------------di-di-di-di-DAH
5 ------------ di-di-di-di-dit
6 ------------DAH-di-di-di-dit
7 ------------DAH-DAH-di-di-dit
8 ------------DAH-DAH-DAH-di-dit
9 ------------DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-dit
0 ------------DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH-DAH
Dash (pause)------- DAH-di-di-di-DAH
Period ( . )----------- di-DAH-di-DAH-di-DAH
Comma ( , )--------- DAH-DAH-di-di-DAH-DAH
Question ( ? )------- di-di-DAH-DAH-di-dit
Slant ( / )------------- DAH-di-di-DAH-dit
Error--------------- -----di-di-di-di-di-di-di-dit
Error (alternate)---- -----di-dit dit-dit
Break (BK)--------------- DAH-di-di-di-DAH-di-DAH
End-of-Message (AR) ----di-DAH-di-DAH-dit
End-of-QSO (SK) --------di-di-di-DAH-di-DAH
Please Wait (AS) ---------di-DAH-di-di-dit
Specific Station Only------DAH-di-DAH-DAH-dit
- Go Ahead -
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