Friday, May 7, 2010


There are different configurations for Amateur Radio equipment on the
Shuttle orbiter. One configuration consists of a hand-held transceiver, interface
module, a payload general support computer (PGSC), window antenna, packet
radio (digital) module, headset, and terminal node controller (TNC). The TNC
interconnects with a radio transceiver so the data to and from the computer is
transmitted to and received from the Amateur Radio stations on the ground. This
configuration is capable of operating in either the voice or data mode in communications
with Amateur stations within the line of sight (LOS) of the Space Shuttle
orbiter or Space Station. This configuration can be operated in the attended mode
for voice communications and in either the attended or automatic mode for data
communications. A similar configuration will be used on the ISS along with other
innovative ham radio set-ups.
Another configuration (see Figure 1) consists of a hand-held transceiver, an
interface module, a headset, a slow-scan and fast-scan television converter, a
television camera and monitor, a PGSC, and an antenna capable of being
mounted in one of the orbiter’s flight deck windows. This configuration communicates
with Amateur Radio stations within LOS of the Shuttle orbiter in
one of four modes: voice, Slow-Scan Television (SSTV), data, or Fast-Scan
Television (FSTV).
An elaborate radio station setup in schools is not required to make a 2-
meter radio frequency contact. Ham radio operators will be glad to help with
radios and antennas. Contact ARRL (see page 5) for information on how to
find a list of hams in your area.
Specially designed QSL cards (post cards designed by hams to confirm
two-way radio contact or reception of signal) are available to anyone who
sends a reception report of Amateur Radio operation from the Shuttle orbiter
or the future International Space Station. Non-amateurs can listen in on a ham
receiver or monitor on scanners to qualify for the special QSL. Send all reception
and confirmed contact reports to ARRL.

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